Our unique
Tequila selection
Discover our diverse range of tequilas, ranging from the refreshing Tequila Blanco to the richly aromatic Tequila Café, and the balanced and complex Tequila Reposado.

Idilica : Our story,
our passion, your pleasure
In the vast landscape of tequila, one brand stands out with its evocative name: Idilica. More than a simple assembly of letters, this name embodies a promise, a vision of excellence and purity.
The idyll, this fleeting moment where time seems suspended, where worries evaporateand only softness and fullness persist. It is this very essence that we seek to capture in everybottle of Idilica.
The idyll goes beyond the senses, it is a state of mind, a constant search for perfection and harmony. Every step of our process, from selecting agaves to creating our bottle, reflectsthis relentless quest for the ideal.
Idilica transcends simple tequila to become a hymn to beauty, joy of living and the celebration of small moments. Every moment with Idilica is an ephemeral but precious idyllto cherish and relive.
Our process

Agave harvesting

Agave cooking
