Privacy Policy

We are required to process personal data concerning you (surnames, first names, email addresses, telephone number, postal address, navigation or consultation data, etc.) as part of the management of our website as well as in the context of of our commercial prospecting operations.

We collect your data in different ways. They may be communicated to us by you when you place an order or during our discussions. They may also be collected using IT tools such as trackers (or cookies) on the Internet (see our cookies policy on this point).

We need this data to provide our services, manage and monitor our pre-contractual and contractual relationships, manage orders, produce commercial and performance statistics, inform and/or propose new offers or services, facilitate navigation and ensure security. of our website, monitor the quality of navigation on our website, manage your rights recalled below. We also use trackers (or cookies) and other similar devices on the Internet for the purposes described in our cookies policy.

The legal bases for these processing operations are, depending on the purposes, the legitimate interests of our customers (management of customer requests and customer relations), our legitimate interests (compliance with contracts concluded with our customers, strengthening of existing customers, commercial prospecting and customer development, improvement of our services and offers, administrative and accounting management, anticipation and management of litigation, establishment, exercise or defense of legal rights). Your consent may also be necessary for sending our newsletter and installing or reading cookies and other trackers on our website (see our cookies policy).

Certain data must be collected. The consequences of failing to collect certain personal data depend on the situation. This may involve the impossibility of placing an order on our website (the requirement to provide personal data is then contractual). It may also be the impossibility for us to respond to your requests on the basis of your rights (the requirement to provide personal data is then regulatory).

The recipients to whom we may communicate your data are our subcontractors and service providers (archiving, company in charge of maintaining our IT tools, the host of our website, companies in charge of managing the recovery of certain invoices, service providers and suppliers of emailing tools, lawyers, accountants and auditors, lawyers, bailiffs) and judicial and administrative authorities.

You have rights. This concerns the right of access, the right of rectification, the right of erasure, the right to limitation of processing, the right to data portability, the right of opposition, including prospecting, as well as as well as the right to define, modify and revoke directives relating to the fate of your data after your death. Depending on the circumstances and the processing and subject to compliance with the conditions set by the regulations, you may exercise these rights by writing to us at the following email address or at the following postal address: ABK Trade, 70 avenue Victor Hugo, Lot 233, 93300 AUBERVILLIERS. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (e.g. in France, the CNIL).

The retention periods of your data vary depending on the nature of the data processed and the purpose pursued or according to the duration of the legal limitation period (which is generally five years from the moment when the person wishing to exercise an action had or should have have knowledge of the facts enabling him to exercise it).

For hosting and data processing we favor resources located in France. If a transfer of personal data outside the European Economic Area should nevertheless be considered, we undertake to carry it out in accordance with the applicable regulations and, where applicable, to frame it with appropriate security guarantees to ensure a level of protection. adequate data.

To find out more, we invite you to read the full privacy policy below.


Detailed privacy policy – IDILICA TEQUILA

This privacy policy sets out the conditions under which we collect and process personal data about you as a prospect, customer or visitor to our website.

The website is operated by the company ABK TRADE, SARL registered in the BOBIGNY Trade and Companies Register under number 529 848 616, residing at 70 avenue Victor Hugo, Lot 233, 93300 AUBERVILLIERS.

In accordance with the legislation in force regarding the protection of personal data, and in particular law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 known as the “Informatique et Libertés” law (the “Informatique et Libertés law”) and European regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data known as the general data protection regulation or GDPR (the “GDPR”), this policy of confidentiality informs you about the methods of collection and processing of your personal data by us.

This privacy policy is not contractual in nature and does not create any obligation beyond what is already provided for by the aforementioned regulations regarding the protection of personal data.

We may update this privacy policy. Any update will be brought to your attention in advance, and, if necessary, will be subject to your consent.

1. What data do we process and how is it collected?

We may collect your data in different ways.

Your data may be communicated to us by you when you place an order or during our discussions.

The data that we collect in this way may essentially be your last name, first name, postal address, email address and telephone number.

Data may also be collected through IT tools such as cookies. For more information on the use of these tools on our website, we invite you to read the cookies policy.

2. What are the purposes and what are the legal bases of our processing of personal data?

Pursuant to Article 6 of the GDPR, any processing of personal data, to be lawful, must be based on one of the legal bases set out in this article.

The table below sets out the different purposes that may be pursued when processing your data and the legal bases on which the pursuit of each of these purposes is based.

Purposes pursued Legal foundations
Manage and track orders Legitimate interests of IDILICA TEQUILA
Legitimate interests of IDILICA TEQUILA
Inform and/or propose new offers or services to our customers, former customers and prospects (commercial prospecting)
Legitimate interests of IDILICA TEQUILA (strengthening existing customers, commercial prospecting, development of professional customers)
Produce commercial and performance statistics Legitimate interests of IDILICA TEQUILA (improvement of its services and offers)
Manage contact requests Pre-contractual measures and legitimate interest of the site visitor according to requests
Facilitate navigation and ensure the security of our website, control the quality of navigation on our website Legitimate interests of IDILICA TEQUILA (management of its website)

Concerning data collected via cookies and other similar devices, we invite you to consult our cookies policy.

3. Is the collection and processing of your data obligatory?

Placing an order on our website requires the provision of the following personal data: name, first name, email address, telephone number address.

If this data is not communicated to us or cannot be collected, we will not be able to process your order. These data provision requirements here have a contractual nature.

To be able to exercise your previously mentioned rights, the communication of proof of identity or other information/documents allowing us to assure us of your identity may be required in certain cases.

Failure to provide these items may prevent us from responding to your requests. This requirement to provide data takes on a regulatory nature here.

Collection of other data may be mandatory. All data whose collection is obligatory, the contractual or regulatory nature of this obligation to provide, as well as the consequences of failure to provide the data concerned will be brought to your attention in due time.

4. To whom may we transmit your data?

We may be required to communicate data:
to our subcontractors and service providers (order preparers, archiving, company in charge of maintaining our IT tools, the host of our website, service providers and suppliers of emailing tools, lawyers, accountants and auditors accounts) ;
and to judicial and administrative authorities.

Subject to the above, we undertake never to disclose your data to third parties, except with your express permission or in very specific circumstances, for example:
if we are required, by law, in the context of legal proceedings, litigation and/or a request from public authorities, to disclose your data;
if we believe that for national security, law enforcement or other public interest purposes, disclosure of your data is necessary or appropriate.

5. What are your rights?

You have, under the conditions defined in articles 15 et seq. of the GDPR, in particular the following rights, with exceptions:

the right to obtain from IDILICA TEQUILA confirmation that personal data concerning you are or are not processed and, when they are, access to said personal data as well as to various information on our processing (right access – article 15 of the GDPR);
the right to obtain from IDILICA TEQUILA the rectification of personal data concerning you which is inaccurate (right of rectification – article 16 of the GDPR);
the right to obtain from IDILICA TEQUILA the erasure of personal data concerning you in certain cases (right to erasure or “to be forgotten” – article 17 of the GDPR);
the right to obtain from IDILICA TEQUILA the limitation of processing in certain cases (right to limitation of processing – article 18 of the GDPR);

You also have, under certain conditions and circumstances:

the right to obtain at any time from IDILICA TEQUILA for reasons relating to your particular situation, that we no longer process personal data concerning you in certain cases (right of opposition – article 21.1. of the GDPR);
the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you for prospecting purposes (right to object to prospecting – article 21.2. of the GDPR).

You also have the right to define, modify and revoke at any time directives relating to the conservation, erasure and communication of your personal data after your death in application of article 40-1 of the Data Protection Act. Freedoms (which will become article 85 of the same law on June 1, 2019). These guidelines can be general or specific. We may only be responsible for specific instructions regarding the data we process. General guidelines can only be collected and stored by a trusted digital third party certified by the CNIL.

Subject to respecting the conditions set by the regulations, you can exercise your rights by writing to us at the following email address: or at the following postal address: 70 avenue Victor Hugo, Lot 233, 93300 AUBERVILLIERS.

You also have the right to object at any time to the use of certain cookies or similar devices. We invite you to consult our cookies policy to find out the means available to you to exercise this right.

Finally, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) or any other competent supervisory authority.

6. How long do we keep your data?

The data is kept for the time strictly necessary for the purposes described above in point 2.

Data concerned Shelf life
Data relating to the conclusion and execution of orders placed on our website. During the duration of the contract concerned and during the legal period of limitation (which is generally 5 years from the moment when the person wishing to exercise an action had or should have had knowledge of the facts allowing him to exercise it)
Accounting documents (invoices, purchase orders, etc.) 10 years from the close of the financial year during which these documents were issued
Data relating to commercial prospecting 3 years after the end of the contract or after the last contact
Data relating to the exercise of a right of access, rectification, erasure 5 years from the date of end of the procedure linked to your request
Data relating to the exercise of a right of opposition 6 years from the date of end of the procedure linked to your request
Data relating to the exercise of a right to limitation of processing 5 years from the end of the restriction of processing

At the end of the periods previously listed, your data will be either deleted or anonymized.

As an exception to the preceding paragraphs, in the event of pre-litigation or litigation, all or some of your data may be subject to extended retention if they prove useful for said pre-litigation or litigation.

7. Transfers outside the European Economic Area

For data processing we favor means located in the European Economic Area, excluding the means used for hosting our website which is located in Quebec.
When we transfer personal data outside the European Economic Area, to Quebec in particular, we undertake to do so in accordance with the applicable regulations and, where applicable, to frame it with appropriate security guarantees to ensure
adequate level of data protection.
Please contact us if you would like more information about how we protect your transferred information

8. Who is your contact person to answer your questions about personal data?

Given our activities, we are not subject to the obligation to appoint a data protection officer within the meaning of the regulations in force.

However, we have designated a person responsible for answering your questions about the protection of personal data. For any questions relating to the processing of your data by IDILICA TEQUILA, you can contact it at the following email address: or at the following postal address: ABK TRADE, 70 avenue Victor Hugo, Lot 233, 93300 AUBERVILLIERS .